
NaNo Update: Nov 4-10

November 4

My mind isn’t on writing but I will muster my willpower to focus. Pulled a 7-hour shift at work (I’m a cashier) and my whole body hurts. So yes, writing not really on the brain. But we will see what happens at the end of the four writing sprints I’m doing tonight.

Final update of the night: I’m happy to say that I managed to write 2,273.  Marching onward!


November 5

I didn’t get as much writing done, but I did manage some: 1,073. I’m still behind on the pace but I’m plugging along.


November 6

Today, I feel under the weather. In between sneezing and coughing, I am attempting to write. I’ll see how it goes by the end of the night’s sprints.

Update: I didn’t get very far. Only 552 words. Tomorrow I will be attending a write-in/part at the Lakeland Public Library. Hoping to get my mojo flowing then.


November 7

Had fun at the Lakeland Public Library at their writing/NaNo meeting tonight. Now I’m going to use the next hour and half to do some writing. I love being inspired!


November 8

Though I scheduled several writing sprints for the two Facebook groups I manage (Citrus NaNoers for which I am the NaNoWriMo ML and my year-round group, “Gotta Write That Book”), I only managed 38 words. Yes, I’m really, really falling off the pace here.


November 9

I’m under the weather and have spent most of my day resting and trying to put words down in between my general feelings of unwellness. We shall see how the day goes.


Update @11:55 pm – I thought today was going to turn into another underwhelming writing fest but I surprised myself by managing 1,292 words in the last writing sprint of the night. It helped that I talked to a good friend and told him about my NaNo novel. It fired me up, plus he issued a challenge to me to keep me motivated. I’m going to conquer that challenge tomorrow. 5,000 words in one day, here I come!


November 10

I’m doing good today. After last night’s witching hour *smiles*, I managed to write 1,286 words toward that 5,000-word goal. It’s now 10:30 am (yes I took a nap) and I’m sitting down to get moving. I have scheduled group writing sprints for later this evening, but I’m going to use the daytime to work on my own progress. No more lagging behind.

Update: I managed to write 1,797 words. Way short of the 5,000 words but there’s always tomorrow.