NaNowrimo Writer's Desk Updates

Camp NaNoWriMo (April 2019)

So, this will be my second soiree into the world of NaNoWriMo Camps. Last year, I joined the July camp, made a cabin (because I’m an ML and thought it the right thing to do), made it open to the public, and set a goal.

Alas, I didn’t reach my goal because July turned out to be a mess of a month for me personally. I did, however, have a blast watching others reach their goal, and offering encouragement, advice and helpful links where needed to the campers under my care.

This year I’m going to attempt to finish my November 2018 NaNo novel. I’m dedicated and committed and plan on hitting my goal. So, if you’d like to come join me, do so.

Once you’ve registered, swing by our Facebook Page and leave me your username. I’ll send you an invite to our region’s cabin.


Join Camp NaNoWriMo Here