Well, today is the first day of the new year and I’m already making ambitious plans. We will see how it goes.
Here is my to-do list for 2022
- I plan to do more on my Tik Tok platform, especially after my successful Tik Tok live last year.
- Get as many of my backlist books into hardcover editions as possible as well as get them into ebook format on Google Play.
- Get audiobooks made as well for my books.
- In between all these things I want to write and complete the final book in the Werelove series (Laylah’s story) and would like to write sequels to the Las Armas, Elemental Symphony, and Beams and Light series.
- I also have plans to continue working on my Kindle Vella story “Halos & Horns.”
- There are also plans for a new series which I will keep secret for now.
- For this series, I’m looking to branch out and see if I can get it traditionally published *deep breaths*. I will definitely let you know how that goes.
I’m sure more things will come along and I’ll write about them as they arise.